Lisa Daniel
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When I was in high school 30 years ago, we did not yet have the luxury of technology as we do today. Textbooks and our teachers were our main source if information, barring of course library research, which entailed wearisome browsing through card catalogues and scrolling through barely legible microfilm. Thank goodness this has changed. But one thing hasn't: How to write an essay; how to take informatipn from a text. Mrs. Jaques, you--and only you--taught me these skills. Your AP American History class not only enabled me to pass the AP test, it also prepared me for writing and research at college. To this very day I teach my students and my own children how to write an essay with your words and memory in my mind. But not only that--the Latin phrases you taught us, the attitude you passed on ("Everyone has the right to an opinion...but the opinion is not necessarily the right one."), the songs we heard (John Lennon "Imagine" as an example of Existentialism), the articles we read...thank you for enriching my life and passing on techniques that I, too, have passed on to a new generation.
Fondly yours,
Lisa Daniel, Class of 83