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Orange GlenHigh School

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David Mosley » AP Stats

AP Stats

Welcome to AP Stats! In this course, we explore one of the most applicable mathematics topics to our daily life - Statistics!
Everyday, we are surrounded and bombarded with data and statistics whether from the news, sports, or out jobs. News outlets are constantly showing us graphs and tables outlining why their opinions are justified or why something needs to change. Sports teams are always analyzing statistics for their players to try to learn where they can improve. 
Being able to digest and understand data will allow students to be more well informed and capable of making better decisions in the future. 
Below I have the syllabus for the course and also some information about the AP Exam. 
You can also access my Canvas course page for AP Stats below.
Most assignments, including exams, are recorded in Canvas to help students keep track of assignments. However, each student's properly calculated grade for the course will be found in Synergy (StudentVue, ParentVue). I will typically update grades in Synergy once a week based on new assignments that have been graded or resubmissions that students have done.