Our Mission Statement
OGHS School Counselors are proactive educators who believe all students are unique, resilient individuals capable of learning at high levels. Our data-driven program will provide students equitable access to academic, college, and career and social/emotional support to produce empowered future leaders. Upon graduation, all OG students will feel confident and motivated to compete in the ever-changing world.
Counseling Appointments
Parents and Guardians may make an appointment to see their student’s School Counselor by calling the Counseling Secretary.
Students are encouraged to speak with their School Counselor before school (8:15 AM - 8:25 AM),, during nutrition break, during student lunch, and after school until 3:45 may also email their School Counselor with general academic questions.
Financial Aid Required Docs
Schedule Changes
Changes may ONLY be made within the semester's first five (5) days. Changes after the first five (5) day period will only be made with the approval of an administrator. Any changes made after the first four (4) weeks of any semester will result in a Withdraw/Fail (W/F) and a W/F will be posted on the student's transcript.